Department of Development Economics
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ZHUANG (Castiel) Chen

Job Title

Assistant Professor, Department of Development Economics



+86 010-62753423






Room 321, School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China



Click here to download (Last updated: Feb 23, 2025)


Educational Background

University of Washington: Ph.D. Economics, 2022; M.A. Economics, 2018

Peking University: Master of Finance, 2016; B.S. Mathematics, 2015; Bachelor of Economics, 2014


Work Experience

2022 – present, Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Peking University


Research Fields

Development Economics

Human capital; Population; Precarious Employment; Gender equality; Health behavior; Individual wellbeing

Empirical Industrial Organization

Productivity; Industrial policy; Consumder demand; Market structure; Green economy; Platform economy


English Publications

18. Castiel Chen Zhuang, Chujian Shao, and Qiliang Chen. "Heterogeneous impacts of trade liberalization on export entry and training: A multi-destination perspective", The World Economy, forthcoming. (Presented in the WEAI's 99th Annual Conference, and 2024 ICEE at PSU Altoona)

17. Jun Liu, Weilin Zhao*, and Castiel Chen Zhuang. "Going Green or Losing Edge? The Impact of Government Procurement on Carbon Reduction and Firm Value in China", Energy Economics, 142: 108219, Feb 2025.

16. Yanbin Li, Xingyao Song, Leilei Sun*, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, Jiayi Liu, Meng Yang. "Exploring urbanization strategies by dissecting aggregate crowd behaviors: A case study in China", Systems, 12(11): 459, Nov 2024.

15. Feng Yu, Ning Li, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, and Jingwei Chen. "Can rising urban house prices actually limit the outward FDI by firms in a home country? A story from China", Journal of International Money and Finance, 147: 103164, Sep 2024.

14. Nur Nadia Kamil, Saizi Xiao, Sharifah Nabilah Syed Salleh, Hongbing Xu, and Castiel Chen Zhuang*. "Nonlinear impacts of climate anomalies on oil palm productivity", Heliyon, 10(15): e35798, Aug 2024.

13. Hongbing Xu, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, Vanessa Oddo, Espior Bwenge Malembaka, et al. "Maternal preconceptional and prenatal exposure to El Niño-Southern Oscillation levels and child mortality: A multi-country study", Nature Communications, 15: 6034, Jul 2024.

12. Jiayi Liu, Yanbin Li, Yanhan Xu, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, Yang Hu, and Yue Yu. "Impacts of built environment on urban vitality in cultural districts: A case study of Haikou and Suzhou", Land, 13(6): 840, Jun 2024.

11. Saizi Xiao, and Castiel Chen Zhuang*. "Measuring and decomposing the multidimensional financial wellbeing in Malaysia", Empirical Economics Letters, 23(4): 125-140, Apr 2024.

10. Zhihan Cui, Lu Liu, and Castiel Chen Zhuang*. "The impact of the removal of Zero-COVID policies on subjective well-being: Evidence from a digital world", Economics Letters, 229: 111189, Aug 2023.

9. Castiel Chen Zhuang, Jessica Jones-Smith, et al. "Maternal precarious employment and child overweight/obesity in the United States", Preventive Medicine, 169: 107471, Apr 2023.

8. Vanessa Oddo*, Castiel Chen Zhuang, et al. "Association between precarious employment and BMI in the United States", Obesity, 31(1): 234-242, Jan 2023. (Editors' Choice)

7. Hongbing Xu, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, et al. "Associations of climate variability driven by El Niño-Southern Oscillation with excess mortality and related medical costs in Chinese elderly", Science of the Total Environment, 851: 158196, Dec 2022.

6. Qifan Huang, Saizi Xiao, and Castiel Chen Zhuang*. "The heterogeneous impact of COVID-19 in a two-sided market: Evidence from a live-streaming platform", Applied Economics, 54(49): 5670-5689, Oct 2022.

5. Qifan Huang, and Castiel Chen Zhuang*. "Training, productivity, and wages: An investigation of China's manufacturing enterprises in a privatization era", Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 30(2): 269-288, Apr 2022.

4. Vanessa Oddo*, Castiel Chen Zhuang, et al. "Changes in precarious employment in the United States: A longitudinal analysis", Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 47(3): 171-180, Apr 2021.

3. Yi Chen, Julie Shi*, and Castiel Chen Zhuang. "Income-dependent impacts of health insurance on medical expenditures: Theory and evidence from China", China Economic Review, 53: 290-310, Feb 2019.

2. Xuezheng Qin, Castiel Chen Zhuang*, and Rudai Yang. "Does the One-Child Policy improve children's human capital in urban China? A regression discontinuity design", Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(2): 287-303, May 2017.

1. Xuezheng Qin*, Tianyu Wang, and Castiel Chen Zhuang. "Intergenerational transfer of human capital and its impact on income mobility: Evidence from China", China Economic Review, 38: 306-321, Apr 2016.


Selected Working Papers

• "Exiting national anti-poverty campaign and mental health", with Zhengwen Liu and Yibo Wu. (Presented at the 3rd Xiangjiang River Forum in Economics, Finance and Management for Young Scholars, Liaoning University, and City University of Macau)

• "Examining the Zero-Markup Drug Policy in China: A structural approach", with Qifan Huang and Zhentong Lu. (Presented at the 2022 SUFE-Jinan IO Conference, 2022 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting, 2021 China Meeting of Econometric Society, WEAI's 2021 Virtual International Conference, and WEAI's 96th Annual Conference, Nankai University, NYU Shanghai, Liaoning University, and SUNY Albany)

• "Product Assortment and Competition: Evidence from Live-Streaming Platform Influencers", with Ying-chin Chen, Qifan Huang, and Yushi Wang. (Presented at the 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting)

• "Sex education, dating behaviors, and fertility intentions: Evidence from a classroom field experiment in a Chinese university", with Zhihan Cui, Fangwen Lu, Xuezheng Qin, and Jinxian Yao. (Presented at the Liaoning University International Conference 2024 and Fudan University)

• "Health insurance design with heterogeneous preferences", with Julie Shi and Xi Wang. (Presented at the 2022 ARIA Annual Meeting, and WEAI's 98th Annual Conference)

Copyright Peking University Tel(F) : 86-10-62751462 Email: weiweilin@pku.edu.cn