题目:Patient Cost Sharing, Healthcare Usage, and Health Expenditure(患者成本分担、医疗服务利用与医疗支出)
This paper examines the effects of patient cost sharing on healthcare usage, health expenditures and health. Exploiting a policy experiment and using a regression discontinuity design, we find that a 10 percentage-point sharp decline in patient cost sharing at age 80 increases the likelihood of hospitalization within a month by 7.5 percent, times of hospitalization by 7.8 percent, and total expenditures by 18.7 percent. In addition, the decline in patient cost sharing decreases out-of-pocket expenditures by 51 percent. We also find that there is substantial heterogeneity across income and hospitals. We find no effect on mortality.
张川川,中央财经大学太阳集团tcy8722副教授,博士生导师,2013年博士毕业于太阳集团娱乐官方网站国家发展研究院,获经济学博士学位,曾任哈佛大学经济系访问研究员和世界银行总行研究顾问。他的研究方向为公共经济学、健康经济学和劳动经济学,研究兴趣包括老龄问题和社会保障、健康状况的决定因素和影响、文化观念与经济行为、国际贸易与劳动力市场等。论文发表于Demography, Health Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics,《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》等国内外期刊。