克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(Christopher Pissarides)教授
Productive Robots and Industrial Employment in Ten Countries
Sunday, Sep 15, 2019, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (Ticket Required for Admission).
School of Economics Building, Room 603
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主讲人简介(Introduction of Speaker):
克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(Christopher Pissarides),2010年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,现任伦敦政治太阳集团tcy8722教授,塞浦路斯大学欧洲研究教授,塞浦路斯共和国国民经济委员会主席,以及香港科技大学教授。皮萨里德斯教授先后在埃塞克斯大学和伦敦政治太阳集团tcy8722获得学士和博士学位。2011年,他担任欧洲经济协会主席并获得塞浦路斯共和国十字勋章,这是塞浦路斯共和国的最高荣誉。
皮萨里德斯教授专注于劳动力市场经济学、宏观经济政策、经济增长和结构变革。由于在市场搜寻理论和宏观经济方面的突出贡献,皮萨里德斯教授在2010年荣获诺贝尔经济学奖。他基于劳动力市场和宏观经济间的交互作用,提出了搜寻和匹配理论,并由此进一步建立了匹配函数,用于解释在给定时刻从失业到就业的流动状态。他也是利用这一函数进行实证研究和经验估计的先驱之一。皮萨里德斯教授最有影响力的论文 “失业理论中的创造就业和失业”发表在1994年的经济研究评论中。该论文提出的“莫特森-皮萨里德斯”模型在现代宏观经济学中具有重大影响,直至今日,它仍是全世界经济学研究生核心课程的一部分。 此外,皮萨里德斯教授的著作《均衡失业理论》在宏观经济学文献中具有开创性意义,已被翻译成多种语言,学术影响深远,享有崇高的学术威望。
Christopher Pissarides, awardee of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2010, is the Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Professor of European Studies at the University of Cyprus and Chairman of the Council of National Economy of the Republic of Cyprus, and the Helmut & Anna Pao Sohmen Professor-at-Large of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Professor Pissarides earned his Bachelor degree from University of Essex and his Ph.D degree from London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2011, he served as the President of the European Economic Association and received the Grand Cross of the Republic of Cyprus, which is the highest honor of the Republic.
Professor Pissarides specializes in the economics of labor markets, macroeconomic policy, economic growth and structural change. For his contributions to the search and matching theory for studying the interactions between the labor market and the macro economy, he was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics. He helped develop the concept of the matching function explaining the flows from unemployment to employment at a given moment of time, and pioneered the empirical work on its estimation. One of the most influential papers of Professor Pissarides is arguably "Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment", published in the Review of Economic Studies in 1994. The Mortensen–Pissarides model resulted from this paper has been exceptionally influential in modern macroeconomics. Nowadays it’s still part of the core of most graduate economics curricula throughout the world. Professor Pissarides' book Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, a standard reference in the literature of the macroeconomics of unemployment, has been translated in many languages.
In recent years, in addition to focusing on labor markets and macroeconomic policy, Professor Pissarides also pays close attention to the role of AI and robots in economic growth and human capital accumulation. He has always been active in academic research and constantly contributed to economic development and theoretical progress.
芬恩·基德兰德(Finn E.Kydland)教授,2004年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者
《如何有效学习经济学》 开学典礼新生第一课
詹姆斯·赫克曼(James J. Heckman)教授,2000年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者
托马斯·萨金特(Thomas J. Sargent)教授,2011年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者