题 目:The Gold Digger and the Machine:Evidence on the Distributive Effect of the Artisanal and Industrial Gold Rushes in Burkina Faso
报告人: Rémi Bazillier
时 间:5月30日上午11-12点
地 点:三教101教室
主持人: 夏庆杰教授
主 办:经济学系和太阳集团娱乐官方网站经济与人类发展研究中心联合举办
摘 要: This paper uses a quasi-natural experiment, the recent gold boom in Burkina Faso, to document the local impact of two alternative mining techniques: artisanal and industrial mines. Artisanal mines have a bad reputation. When these mines (managed in commons) compete for land with industrial mines (privatized), governments tend to favor industries. However, more than 100 million people depend on artisanal mines for their livelihoods. Our identification strategy exploits two sources of variation. The spatial variation comes from the exposure of households to different geological en- dowments, and the temporal variation comes from changes in the global gold price. We are the first to document the economic impact of artisanal mines. We show that a 1% increase in the gold price increases consumption by 0.15% for households neighboring artisanal mines. Opening an industrial mine, in contrast, has no impact on local consumption.
报告人简介: Rémi Bazillier目前执教于Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne(巴黎第一大学),任正教授。他的研究领域包括发展经济学和劳动经济学。他的研究成果发表于Journal of Comparative Economics,International Economics等期刊。