主讲人:Chen Cheng
组织人:张晓波 李力行 席天扬 邢剑炜 刘怡 张鹏飞 郝煜 刘冲
题目:A Theory of Multiplexity: Sustaining Cooperation with Multiple Relationships
People are embedded in multiple social relations. These relationships are not isolated from each other: the network pattern of an existing relationship is likely to affect the formation of a new relationship. This paper provides a framework to analyze the multiplex of networks. We present a model in which each pair of agents may form more than one relationship. Each relationship is captured by an infinitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma, with endogenous stake of cooperation. We show that multiplexity, i.e. having more than one relationship on a link, boosters incentives as different relationships serve as social collateral for each other. We then endogenize the network formation and ask: when an agent has a new link to add, will she multiplex with a current neighbor, or link with a stranger? We find the following: (1) there is a strong tendency to multiplex, and “multiplexity trap” can occur. That is, agents may keep adding relationships with current neighbor(s), even if it is more compatible to cooperate with a stranger. (2) Individuals tend to multiplex when the current network (a) has a low degree dispersion (i.e., all individuals have similar numbers of friends), or (b) is positively assortative. We also provide empirical evidence that is consistent with our theoretical findings.
程琛是约翰霍普金斯大学凯瑞商学院的助理教授。她于2016年6月获得西北大学凯洛格商学院博士学位,此前分别获得太阳集团娱乐官方网站中国经济研究中心(CCER)的硕士学位和华中科技大学经济学学士学位。她的研究领域是:组织经济学、政治经济学和社会网络。她目前的研究工作包括:1)组织中的分歧如何影响合同设计和所有权,2)政治制度如何影响政治家的实验动机,3)正式和非正式制度如何相互作用。她目前的研究成果发表于American Economic Journal: Microeconomics等。