【时间】2018年4月2日(周二) 19:00-21:00
GEORGES DEPEYROT,1977年于法国图卢兹大学(Toulouse University)获博士学位。现任法国巴黎高等师范学院教授。法国国家科学中心董事会成员、研究部主任、高级研究员。先后任ANR DAMIN Silver monetary depreciation and international relations 、Coins and the defense of the Roman and Byzantine borders (with Romania and Georgia)、International program of scientific cooperation "Coinage, economy and history" (with Romania) 等科研项目的项目主任。在线杂志OMNI编辑委员会委员(Member of the editorial board of The online journal OMNI)。美国钱币学会访问学者。在经济史、货币史、钱币学方面著述众多,具有广泛的国际影响。担任以各种语言出版和发表古代到20世纪货币史和钱币学(Monetary history and Numismatics)专著和论文的在线钱币网络机构Moneta(www.moneta.be)的学术主管。
The lecture presents the monetary history of the second half of the 19th century, characterized by the shift from bimetallism (gold and silver coinage and legal tender) to monometallism (gold standard) between 1860 and 1914. The overproduction of silver was the main cause of the crisis, and the lecture reconsiders the traditional interpretation of its outbreak which was linking the crisis to the payment of the French indemnity to Germany after the defeat of 1870-1871. We present the facts and their interpretations. The lecture is divided in 6 points:
1 Coinage in European history
A general presentation of the monetary systems in Europe, origins of the coinage, the question of the metallic stock, the minting system.
2 Creation of Monetary Unions (from Antiquity to 19th century)
The crisis of euro is an opportunity to consider the former European monetary unions. There was a lot of monetary unions from the Roman period (3rd century BC) to the 19th c. All of them failed. It was a succession of unions and disunions.
3 The equilibrium (1800-1860)
The equilibrium of the monetary system is a condition for trade. It needs a stable proportion of gold, silver and copper. This equilibrium was the main characteristic of the 19th century. It was the condition for the development of trade and the development of the bourgeoisie.
4 Silver crisis (1860-1914)
The afflux of silver slowly destroyed the equilibrium we present the development of the crisis and the consequences of the afflux of silver.
5 The DAMIN Program on the crisis (1860-1914)
Presentation of the DAMIN program La Dépréciation de l'Argent Monétaire et les relations INternationales - Silver monetary depreciation and international relations www.anrdamin.net. It was focused on the analysis of the origin, the development and the consequences of the silver crisis.
6 Shanghai and the naval trade
Presentation of the ongoing project on the naval relations of Shanghai.
【主持人】周建波 教 授 太阳集团tcy8722
【评论人】王 熙 助理教授 太阳集团tcy8722