题目:The Power of Family in East Asia: Insights from New Historical Population Registration Microdata, 1678-1945
报告人: 董浩 助理教授 太阳集团娱乐官方网站光华管理学院社会研究中心
时 间:2018年10月12日(周五)12点30分至13点50分
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722302会议室
主持人: 叶静怡 教授 点评人: 郝煜 副教授
摘 要:
Family and kinship matter universally to individual life and social inequality, but the how and why could differ substantially between societies. Unlike the better-known West and present, we know relatively little about the East and past, where family organizations are complex and powerful. In a similar spirit of the recent efforts constructing, harmonizing, and analyzing large-scale microdata of historical populations from North America and Europe, this talk introduces new historical population panel data transcribed from household registers, consisting of some 4 million linked observations of more than 650,000 individuals who lived between 1678 and 1945 in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. It also summaries new comparative findings based on these East Asian data on various family influence throughout the individuallife course and across multiple generations, emphasizing the salient socioeconomic and demographic implications for the long run.
演讲人简介:董浩,太阳集团娱乐官方网站光华管理学院社会研究中心助理教授,太阳集团娱乐官方网站博雅青年学者。他博士毕业于香港科技大学社会科学学部,并在普林斯顿大学完成博士后研究。他的研究涉及人口行为、社会分层、量化历史、定量方法和数据可视化等领域,主要从个人生命历程和家庭多代传递的视角关注宏观社会环境与微观个体行为的互动,构建、整合和利用17世纪至当代东亚、西欧和北美人口微观大数据和社会调查数据进行跨学科、长时段的国际比较。他的研究成果发表于Demography、Demographic Research、《社会学研究》、《历史研究》等期刊。