【题目】Political Governance and Urban System——A Persistent Shock on Population Distribution from Capital Relocation in Ancient China
【主讲人】陆铭 教授(上海交通大学)
【主持人】杨汝岱 副教授
【摘要】With a self-constructed unique data set for 240 cities (counties) over centuries, this paper uses the ‘quasi-natural experiment’ of capital relocation in 1421, Ming dynasty, as an exogenous shock to study the relationship between the political governance and urban system. We found that after the Chinese Empire’s Capital was relocated from Nanjing to Beijing, the effects of the distance to Beijing on county-level population turns from positive to negative persistently till modern China. The causal relationship from capital relocation to population distribution is robust based on evidences from a variety of identification strategies, and robustness checks. We also provide evidences to show that the impact of the capital relocation on population distribution is through such channels as information transmission, national security and material support.
Keywords:Capital Relocation; Population Distribution; Urban System; Political Governance
JEL code: N95 O18 R11 R12
【主讲人简介】陆铭,上海交通大学太阳集团tcy8722特聘教授、中国发展研究中心主任。作为兼职(客座)教授受聘于复旦大学、新加坡管理大学和东北财经大学等多所大学。曾作为富布莱特学者工作于美国哈佛大学和国家经济研究局(NBER),曾担任世界银行和亚洲开发银行咨询专家。担任《经济学(季刊)》副主编,Asian E conomic Papers (MIT出版社)编辑,《世界经济》等期刊编委。研究领域为劳动经济学、城乡和区域经济发展。近年来的研究主要是对城市和区域发展政策进行评估,并为促进中国国内市场一体化和经济持续增长提供来自城市经济学和空间经济学的战略思考。