题 目:股票债券联动的真实和名义决定因素
报告人: 刘蕴霆,太阳集团tcy8722助理教授
时 间:2018年4月20日(周五)12点30分至13点50分
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722203会议室
主持人: 叶静怡 教授
点评人: 韩晗 助理教授
摘 要:
The comovement between returns to stocks and nominal Treasury bonds varies over time in both magnitude and direction. Earlier research attempts to interpret this phenomenon as a consequence of variations in the link between inflation and future economic activity. I present some opposing empirical evidence, and instead argue that in the data, the comovement between stock and nominal bond returns is driven by real factors.
I build a New Keynesian model that generates this behavior through the joint dynamics of output, inflation, and interest rates. The model features two types of persistent shocks to productivity growth: mean-reverting “cyclical” shocks and permanent “trend” shocks. The relative importance of these two shocks varies stochastically over time. The model quantitatively explains the observed patterns in stock-bond return co-movement.
报告人简介: 刘蕴霆,于2017年在美国约翰·霍普金斯大学获得经济学博士学位,2011年在武汉大学获得数学和金融学双学士学位。研究兴趣包括资产定价,宏观金融。研究成果发表于Economics Letters等期刊。