太阳集团tcy8722将于2018年4月13-14日与中国留欧/留英经济学会(CEA)、英国曼彻斯特大学经济学系等单位合作举办“技术变革、劳动力市场与收入分配”国际学术研讨会,欢迎相关领域的学者和学生参会。该研讨会旨在为国内外劳动经济学、发展经济学领域,特别是收入分配领域的学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台。会议邀请到英国帝国理工学院Colin Thirtle教授,伦敦国王学院Jenifer Piesse教授,曼彻斯特大学Indranil Dutta教授、Kunal Sen教授和Xiaobing Wang教授,卡迪夫大学Yue Xu教授,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Nanak Kakwani教授,加拿大约克大学Matias Cortes教授,亚洲开发银行Hyun H. Son博士,中国人民大学曾湘泉教授,北京师范大学李实教授、万海远教授,中央财经大学陈斌开教授,对外经济贸易大学朱胜豪教授,太阳集团娱乐官方网站平新乔教授、夏庆杰教授、秦雪征教授等知名学者。现将有关事宜通知如下:
主办单位:太阳集团tcy8722、中国留欧/留英经济学会(Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK))、英国曼彻斯特大学经济学系
会议注册:拟参会者请于2018年4月6日前发邮件到sepku_conference@163.com。邮件标题请注明“Registration-CEA2018 ”,邮件正文请提供参会者姓名、单位、联系方式、是否需要用餐。由于座位有限,请所有拟参会者提前通过邮件进行会议注册。本次会议不收取任何费用,外地参会者的交通及住宿费用需自理。
Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK)
in collaboration with
School of Economics at Peking University
2018 China Conference
Technological Change, Labour Markets and Income Distribution
Room 307, School of Economics, Peking University
Friday 13th April to Saturday 14th, April 2018
Friday 13th April |
08:00-08:50 |
08:50-09:00 |
Welcome speech: Qixiang Sun, Dean of PKU School of Economics |
09:00 – 10:30 |
Session 1: Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income Chair: Shi Li, China Institute for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University |
Keynote Speech 1 |
Nanak Kakwani, The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. How does the Pattern of Growth Impact Poverty Reduction in Rural China? |
Qingjie Xia, School of Economics, Director of Center for Human & Economic Studies (CHEDS) at Peking University A Review of China’s Economic Reform: A Long Historical Perspective |
10:30 – 11: 00 |
Tea break |
11:00 – 12:30 |
Session 2: Measurement of Welfare Chair: Xinqiao Ping, School of Economics, Peking University |
Indranil Dutta, Department of Economics, The University of Manchester Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using the Counting Approach |
Da Feng, School of Economics, Peking University An Evaluation on the Differential Impacts of Community-based Public Expenditure in Rural China |
12:30 – 14:00 |
Lunch in Room B103 School of Economics, Peking University |
14:00 – 15:30 |
Session 3 Technological Change and Income Distribution Chair: Jianbin Hao, Alibaba Research Institute; |
Keynote Speech 2 |
Matias Cortes, Department of Economics, York University, Canada. Title: The Rise of Superstar Firms and Wage Inequality |
Zhong Zhao, School of Economics, Renmin University of China (with Peng Ge and Wenkai Sun) Automation Technology and Employment Structures in China: 1990 to 2015 |
15:30 – 16:00 |
Tea break |
16:00 – 17:30 |
Session 4 New Technology and Labour Market Chair: Xiangquan Zeng, Renmin University of China |
Colin Thirtle (Imperial College London) Efficiency in Wine Grape Production: Comparing Old and New Regions of South Africa |
Yufei Mao, Renmin University of China Does Internet Use Reduce the Income Gap between Urban Residents and Migrants? Evidence from CGSS Data |
18:00 – 19:30 |
Conference dinner at Zhili Huiguan Restaurant (by invitation only) |
Saturday 14th April |
09:00-10:30 |
Session 5: The Distribution of Income Chair: Xiaobing Wang, Department of Economics, University of Manchester |
Keynote Speech 3 |
Kunal Sen, Global Development Institute, the University of Manchester Was Kuznets Right? New Evidence on the Relationship between Structural Transformation and Inequality |
Shenghao Zhu, University of International Business and Economics Adverse Selection and Income Distribution |
10:30 -11:00 |
Tea break |
11:00—12:30 |
Session 6: Taxation and Welfare Chair: Binkai Cheng, Central University of Finance and Economics |
Yinyin Li, (with Binkai Chen) Central University of Finance and Economics Taxation, Redistribution and Inequality in Rural Areas |
Yangyang Sheng, China Institute for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University Reform for the Better? The Impact of Income Tax Reforms on Inequality and Welfare in China |
12:30 – 14:00 |
Lunch in Room B103 School of Economics, Peking University |
14:00 – 15:30 |
Session 7 Efficiency and Inequality Chair: Yue Xu, Cardiff University UK |
Keynote Speech 4 |
Jenifer Piesse, King’s College London Labour Demand in the Post-apartheid South African Wine Industry |
Hyun H. Son, Asian Development Bank Inequality of Human Opportunities in Developing Asia |
15:30 – 16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 – 17:30 |
Session 8 Effectiveness of Minimum Wage and Welfare Program Chair: Xuezheng Qin, School of Economics, Peking University |
Haiyuan Wan, China Institute for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University Minimum Wage Regulation on Wage Growth and Wage Distribution |
Xiaobing Wang, Department of Economics, University of Manchester Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Program in China |
18:00 – 19:30 |
Conference dinner at Huajia Yiyuan Restaurant (by invitation only) |
Conference organizers:
Xuezheng Qin, Assistant Dean, School of Economics, Peking University, xqin@pku.edu.cn
Xiaobing Wang, University of Manchester, President of the Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK) (Xiaobing.Wang@manchester.ac.uk)
Jiaqi Liu, School of Economics, Peking University
Yulu Chen, School of Economics, Peking University