题目:The Samurai Bond: Credit Supply and Economic Growth in Pre-War Japan
报告人: John Tang,senior lecturer in economics at the Australian National University
时 间:2018年3月23日(周五)12点30分至13点50分
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722606会议室
主持人: 叶静怡 教授
点评人: 郝煜 副教授
While credit supply growth is associated with exacerbating financial crises, its impact on economic activity and development are unclear. Using bond payments to samurai in nineteenth century Japan as a quasi-natural experiment and exploiting regional variation, we find samurai population shares are positively associated with short run firm establishment, capital investment, and average firm capital. In the long run, initial samurai population share corresponds with higher per capita output growth and labor reallocation throughout the pre-war period conditional on early adoption of railways. Our results indicate the interaction of credit supply with productivity-enhancing technology provides persistent growth and structural change.
报告人简介: John Tang is a senior lecturer in economics in the Research School Economics at the Australian National University and the director of the ANU Centre for Economic History. Dr. Tang received his PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. His research primarily focuses on the economic history of Japan, including topics on transportation, health, trade, and finance. His publications include articles in the Economic History Review, the Journal of Economic History, and the Journal of Health Economics as well as other scholarly monographs. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Economic History and the Australian Economic History Review. More information can be found on his website: www.johnptang.com.