【演讲者介绍】: 安砾博士现任清华大学五道口金融学院助理教授。她的主要研究方向是实证资产定价和行为金融学。她一部分研究致力于探讨投资者行为如何影响资产均衡价格。其他研究涉及回报异常,机构投资者,和长期投资等领域。她的论文已发表在国际顶级金融期刊上,例如Review of Financial Studies。安砾博士的研究理论联系实际,曾数次获得国际性学术和业界奖项。其中包括PanAgora资产管理公司授予的克罗威尔纪念奖和芝加哥数量投资协会学术竞赛奖。安砾于2014年获得美国哥伦比亚大学经济学博士学位。其间,她曾协助诺贝尔奖得主Joseph Stiglitz教授编撰了《不平等的代价》《建立学习社会》等书籍,并协助Patrick Bolton教授组织主办了全球主权财富基金的研究项目和会议。此前她在太阳集团娱乐官方网站取得了经济学和数学的双学士学位。
题目:Lottery-Related Anomalies: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences
摘要:Previous empirical studies find that lottery-like stocks significantly underperform their non-lottery-like counterparts. Using five different measures of the lottery features in the literature, we document that the anomalies associated with these measures are state-dependent: the evidence supporting these anomalies is strong and robust among stocks where investors have lost money, while among stocks where investors have gained profits, the evidence is either weak or even reversed. Several potential explanations for such empirical findings are examined and we document support for the explanation based on reference-dependent preferences. Our results provide a unified framework to
understand the lottery-related anomalies in the literature.