题目:Political Groups and the Impact of Civil Wars on Local Economy in Early-Twentieth Century China
报告人:刘丛 上海财经大学助理教授
时 间:2016年9月23日(周五)12点30分至13点40分
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722302会议室
主持人:管汉晖 副教授
点评人:郝 煜 副教授
张亚光 副教授
This paper examines the impact of civil wars on the local economy using newly documented information about civil wars across regions in early-twentieth century China. During this period, China was de facto divided into several regions. Each region was controlled by different warlords or political groups. Warlords fought with each other for a larger territory. I first quantitatively document the scale, timing, and location of these civil wars. Around sixty violent civil wars took place from 1911 to 1934 and 25% of the Chinese counties in my sample were involved in at least one battle. I then examine the impact of civil wars on local economic activities. I find that civil wars overall caused a small negative impact on international trade flows and a 12.1% drop in rural land values. When the results are separated into wars by political groups, the wars involving weak political groups led to 1.7% to 3.8% drop in international trade flows, while the ones by strong political groups had small positive impact on trade flows. Similarly, wars conducted by the powerful incumbent had no negative impact on land values, while the ones between the KMT and the CCP led to a 30% drop in land values. Combined with narrative evidence, the results suggest that incumbent or political groups might have protected trade or reduced harm to the local economy if they relied on tariff or land taxes to finance themselves.
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