报告人:John Yiran Zhu 博士/助理教授
时 间:2016年7月6日下午两点(约1.5小时)
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722302会议室
主持人:李绍荣 教授
点评人:翁翕 助理教授、吴泽南 助理教授
I provide a micro-foundation for refinance-able contracts, which are a major class of incomplete contracts. The micro-foundation relates the optimality of refinance-able contracts to the financing relationship being governed by a preference for robustness. As an application, I consider a canonical dynamic financial contracting setting with asymmetric information, where the entity being financed privately observes the state of the world. I show that under a preference for robustness, the optimal contract is refinance-able debt. The intuition for the result is a standard “folk” intuition for debt.
My preference-for-robustness based formalization of this folk intuition is, itself, robust.
美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院金融系助理教授。2005年本科毕业月芝加哥大学,2011年获加州伯克利大学数学博士学位。主要研究领域为契约理论、公司财务、博弈论等,曾在国际顶级期刊 Econometrica、Review of Economic Studies 发表学术论文。