题目:Propagation of Financial Shocks in an Input-output Economy with Trade and Financial Linkages of Firms
报告人:Shaowen Luo(Ph.D. Candidate in Columbia University)
时 间:2016年5月27日(周五)12点30分至13点40分
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722219会议室
主持人:秦雪征 副教授
点评人:赵晓军 副教授、韩晗 助理教授
Firms are connected through the production network. At the same time, the production linkages coincide with financial linkages because of delays to input payments. This paper investigates how these interconnected production and financial linkages lead to the propagation of financial shocks both upstream and downstream. First, I show that financial shocks can propagate upstream if there are financial linkages of firms and financial frictions in trade. Second, I find, based on the input-output matrix and the bond yield data in the U.S., upstream propagation of financial shocks is stronger than downstream propagation. Third, I elaborate a DSGE model that can capture this pattern of shocks and generate quantitative predictions. Fourth, I demonstrate that credit policies would have a stronger impact if liquidity were transferred to downstream sectors after aggregate liquidity shocks.