【演讲者介绍】:孙腾,2015年9月加盟太阳集团娱乐官方网站光华管理学院,他本科毕业于香港科技大学,博士毕业于斯坦福大学。其主要研究领域为实证微观经济学,产业组织和公司金融学,他的研究成果发表于Review of Economics and Statistics,Journal of European Economic Association等期刊。
【演讲题目】Quantifying the Premium Externality of the Uninsured
【摘要】In insurance markets, the uninsured can generate a negative externality on the insured, leading insurance companies to charge higher premia. Using a novel panel data set and a staggered policy change that introduces exogenous variation in the rate of uninsured drivers at the county level in California, we find that uninsured drivers lead to higher insurance premia: a 1 percentage point increase in the rate of uninsured drivers raises premia by roughly 1%. We calculate the monetary fine on the uninsured that would fully internalize the externality and conclude that actual fines in most US states are inefficiently low.