题目:Intranational and International Consumption Risk Sharing and Frictions in China
报告人:郭美新 博士/助理教授
时间:2016年3月25日 12:30
主持人:杜丽群 教授
点评人:陈仪 助理教授,郝煜 助理教授
This paper applies the gravity model to estimate the level of consumption risk sharing, intra-national and international financial frictions and trade frictions across Chinese provinces in 2002 and 2007. We find that the provinces use both intra-national and international goods and financial markets to hedge the consumption risks and both intra-national and international risk sharing levels are limited. Second, the level of international risk sharing is higher than that of the intra-national risk sharing, and provinces gain from the international goods and financial markets from 2002 to 2007. Third, both the relative intra-national trade costs and the relative international trade costs measured by distance decrease significantly from 2002 to 2007.
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