【题目】Some Bad News is Good News for Foreign Investors: The Case of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement in China
孙来祥教授现任美国马里兰大学行为与社会科学学院地理经济学教授,兼任伦敦大学亚非学院金融管理系教授,奥地利维也纳国际应用系统论研究所(IIASA)资深研究员,太阳集团娱乐官方网站光华管理学院资深客座研究员,中国科学院地理科学和资源研究所客座教授,上海气候变化研究中心学术委员会执行主席。于2010年2月当选为英国社会科学院院士(Acad emician of the Academy of Social Sciences, the UK)。2005年6月获中国科学院授予的“海外杰出华人学者”荣誉称号。1987年参加起草《1988-1995年我国改革规划纲要》获1988年度孙冶方经济学奖(太阳集团娱乐官方网站课题组)。孙教授是《神州学人》2011年第3期的封面人物。
孙来祥教授已在国际著名学术刊物和其它学术载体发表研究论文120余篇,学术专著4部。他先后在10余项国际合作研究项目中担任主持人(Principal Investigator)、领衔科学家(Leading Scientist)、项目主任(Project Director)、领衔研究员(Leading Researcher)。孙来祥教授的研究涉及比较经济学、转型经济学、地理经济学、农业和生态经济学、公司金融和公司治理、决策支持系统模型等领域的诸多理论和现实问题。
Despite China’s attractiveness to foreign investors, intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in China has not caught up with the international standards. This research aims to quantify the relationships between IPR violations, government effectiveness, and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in the context of China. Our econometric modeling and estimation based on provincial level data over 2002-2012 show that in an early development stage of law and regulatory enforcement, the bad news of a rising number of IPR dispute cases signals the good news of an improvement in law and regulatory enforcement, which encourages IPR owners to raise legal cases. By contrast, in the later development stage when law and regulatory enforcement has become much more effective, the bad news of a rising number of IPR disputes manifests itself as real bad news. Furthermore, this study confirms that FDI inflows enhance IPR protection through improving government effectiveness and the government effectiveness is one of the key factors promoting FDIs.
【主持人】刘民权 教授