演讲者:Joan Schmit教授(来自University of Wisconsin, Madison)
演讲者介绍:琼·施密特教授是姚奕老师通过海外名师计划邀请来太阳集团授课的嘉宾。她1984年获保险学博士学位,现任威斯康星大学商学院讲席教授。她曾担任美国风险与保险协会主席(1994-1995)、风险理论学会主席(1991-1992)、国际保险学会研究委员会理事长(1998年至今)。威斯康星大学商学院的精算、风险管理与保险学系在北美排名第二,施密特教授从1986年任教至今。她曾担任威斯康星商学院院长、副院长、研究生院副院长、系主任等职务。她在保险学研究领域享有盛誉,著有专著4部,发表学术论文50余篇,并先后担任Journal of Risk and Insurance、Risk Management and Insurance Review副主编,Journal of Insurance Regulation、CPCU Journal助理主编。施密特教授也获得过很多学术荣誉与奖项,包括威斯康星杰出教授奖、Risk Management and Insurance Review最佳论文奖、唐纳德·哈蒂格利杰出论文奖、Journal of Insurance Regulation最佳审稿人奖等。
演讲题目:新兴市场中影响保险理赔趋势的因素:以中国为例(Factors Affecting Claiming Trends in Emerging Markets: China as an example)
摘要: Litigation costs (诉讼费用) are considered an important element of an economy’s competitive structure, both positively in terms of supporting the development of underlying protections (La Porta et al. 1998, 2009) and in encouraging economic activity (McKnight and Hinton, 2013). Yet little is known about the underlying factors affecting the willingness to seek compensation by one part against another within developing economies. The research presented here is intended to address that question theoretically and then to test the theoretical results empirically using data from China. Specifically, we expand upon current theories of dispute resolution and explore the factors influencing claiming, litigating, and settling in developing nations using ten years of province-level legal data from China. We anticipate that the results will be relevant to policymakers as they develop legal liability systems and to insurers interested in participating in emerging markets, both in pricing and formulating insurance products.
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