地点:经院地下一层B103报告厅(坐电梯到 -1 层)
嘉宾:Anthony Howell(郝华天)教授(太阳集团tcy8722)
演讲题目: ‘Indigenous’ Innovation with Heterogeneous Risk and New Firm Survival in a Transitioning Chinese Economy
本周五(3月20日),太阳集团tcy8722院级Seminar(学术午餐会)将迎来总第一百场讲座。演讲者是太阳集团去年新聘外籍教师Anthony Howell(郝华天)教授。Tony的研究领域是城市经济学,尤其关注和中国相关的国际贸易和空间地理问题。他从本科到博士阶段十二年间获得了三个学士学位(国际研究、政治学、汉语言文学),两个硕士(统计学、地理学)和一个博士学位(经济地理学)。
摘要: This paper explores the moderating effects of heterogenous risk on innovation and firm survival using a large sample of new entrepreneurial firms in China. Findings show that innovation increases the probability of survival, although this outcome is found to depend on the timing of the innovation, the characteristics associated with the innovation strategy, along with the level of risk embodied in the innovation process. The moderating effects of state-intervention via subsidies on innovation are found to be complex and non-linear: innovative firms that received a larger amount of subsidies survive longer and contribute the most to social welfare, whereas innovators that received fewer subsidies are worse off and contribute less to social welfare than unsubsidized innovators. Innovative firms that pursue more risky innovation are less likely to survive and are less efficient in each risk dimension considered, although they are sometimes more profitable compared to their risk-adverse counterparts depending on the risk source. The findings thus reveal the following innovation risk-reward tradeoff: more risky innovators are sometimes able to generate larger private gains for the firm, whereas more cautious innovators consistently generate higher welfare gains for society.
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