讲座标题: Ownership, Political Connections and Long-term Post-IPO Performance of China’s Public Listed Companies
内容简介:We examine how political connections influence long term performance of the Chinese firms listed in the stock market. Developing Fan et al. (2007), our paper and investigates the effects of political connections on corporate performance under different types of controlling shareholders. We find that political connections actually bring about better performance of family-controlled firms in the long term, although the effects of political connections on corporate performance are insignificant in government-controlled firms. Furthermore, political connections in family-controlled firms are associated with better access to bank loans, tax rebates and government subsidies. We argue that political connections are not only the substitute for investor protections, but also even be a channel for government patronage under poor institutional environment.
JEL Classification: G12; G23; G28
关键字:Political Connections; Long Term Post-IPO Performance; Investor Protection; Government Patronage
讲 座 人: 田利辉,金融学教授(博导)、律师、南开大学金融发展研究院负责人、教育部金融风险重大课题首席专家
时 间: 2014年10月28日(周二)下午14:00—17:00
地 点: 太阳集团tcy8722203会议室