时间: 2013年4月2号(周二)上午10:00~11:30
地点: 太阳集团tcy8722大楼302室
报告人: 王敏博士 (太阳集团娱乐官方网站国家发展研究院)
题目: Climate Change Impacts of Renewable Energy Policies: the Roles of Capacity Constraints and Market Power
摘要: This paper is to examine the climate change impacts of renewable energy policies by focusing on capacity constraints of renewable energies and market power in the sector of fossil fuels, both of which turn out to play important roles in determining policy impacts on the time profile of fossil fuel supply as well as the time pattern of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. By recognizing the capacity constraints, in this paper, we distinguish renewable energies between capacity constrained renewable energies and abundant renewable energies, and study their price policies and quantity policies in competitive market and non-competitive market. We show that the "Green Paradox" can be confirmed in the benchmark case, i.e. government support for abundant renewable energies in competitive market, but after considering the two factors mentioned, it may not exist: the capacity constraints of renewable energies help delay the fossil fuel supply to the distant future; the existence of market power in the sector fossil fuels reverses the fossil fuel owners` response to renewable energy policies by reducing the fossil fuel extraction in the near future.