Global Sourcing and Domestic Value-added in Exports
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This paper employs data from the World Input-Output Database to document the evolution of the domestic content in exports, as measured by the domestic value added to gross exports ratio (DVAR), across countries and sectors over the period 1995-2008. We develop a multiple-sector general equilibrium model of Eaton and Kortum (2002) with domestic and global input-output linkages (a la Caliendo and Parro (2015)) to provide structural interpretations of individual countries' DVAR. We use the calibrated version of the model to fully decompose the time-series changes of the global DVAR and selected countries' DVAR into separate parts that are due to changes in technology, bilateral trade frictions, unilateral export fixed costs, and other exogenous factors such as changes in factor endowments and trade balances. We find that while the stand-alone effects of both technology and trade costs are negative, there is a positive and significant interactive effect from the two. Taking into account the interactive effects, we find that the total effect of technology, which has been either overlooked or misinterpreted in the existing analyses of the evolution of global value chains, is significantly positive, while the total effect of trade frictions is far from capable of explaining the changes in DVAR over the sample period. The contributions of other determinants are quantitatively very small.
祁涵, 本科毕业于太阳集团娱乐官方网站数学学院,硕士毕业于香港科技大学,并于香港科技大学获得经济学博士学位。2014至今在香港浸会大学经济系任职助理教授。主要研究领域是国际贸易和金融,产业组织与中国经济。学术成果发表在Journal of Comparative Economics, Economic Theory等学术期刊上。已有研究被引用于在American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economics, Journal of International Economics等国际顶级期刊,国际经济学学术手册以及世界银行与国际贸易组织的报告上。现阶段研究专注全球产业链的结构下各国的分工协作及贸易政策对企业行为模式的影响。
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供稿 | 发展与公共财政工作坊
美编 | 山竹
责编 | 量子、禾雨、予天