中国留英留欧经济学会2017年会(The 28th CEA (UK) and 9th CEA (Europe) Annual Conference)将于2017年9月1-3日在英国曼彻斯特大学举行。此次年会由曼彻斯特大学经济学系承办,联合主办单位包括太阳集团tcy8722、北京师范大学中国收入分配研究院以及中国人民大学太阳集团tcy8722。年会将围绕“中国发展的创新之路与经济转型”这一主题展开研讨,会议邀请到中国收入分配研究领域专家、北京师范大学中国收入分配研究院执行院长李实教授,世界银行前首席经济学家、太阳集团娱乐官方网站新结构经济学研究中心主任林毅夫教授,伦敦政经学院Rachel Ngai教授,知名经济学家、上海财经大学太阳集团tcy8722院长田国强教授,美联储圣路易斯分行助理副行长、清华大学讲席教授文一教授等知名学者。大家云集,思想碰撞。欢迎相关领域的学者和学生投稿参会,此次年会征文截止4月30日。如果不汇报论文,也可以在5月份注册参会。所有参会者需要纳会议注册费。详情请查阅会议官方网站
附英文正式会议通知如下:Call for Papers
The 28th CEA (UK) and 9th CEA (Europe) Annual Conference
China`s New Development: Innovation and Economic Transformation
The University of Manchester
Friday 1stto Sunday 3rd, September 2017
Organizer: Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK)
Co-organizers: School of Economics, Peking University;
China Institution for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University;
School of Economics, Renmin University of China;
Manchester China Forum
Following nearly 40 years of reform the Chinese economy has transformed in almost every aspect. It has gone from being one of the most closed and isolated economies in the world of little relevance to the global economy and become both highly globalised and the world’s second biggest economy. It is predicted that China will surpass the US in a decade’s time. There are two questions that need to be urgently addressed. 1) This change is having an important impact on international relations, as we have observed in the UK politics and elsewhere. 2) whether China is able to maintain its speed of economic growth. China’s growth has been slowing down to around 7 percent in recent years, compared to its high speed of growth of more than 9 percent per annual between 1979 and 2013.
To address many of the important issues concerning China,the Chinese Economic Association (UK and Europe) is organizing its annual conference at the University ofManchester on September 1-3, 2017.The conference will include invited keynote speakers, round table forums, and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will start in the afternoon of August 31st. All speeches and sessions will be held onSeptember 1-3, 2017.
Features of the conference include: 1) The China-UK-Europe Forum, a roundtable with senior government officials business leaders, and renowned scholars from China and Europe. 2) Awards for best papers submitted and presented by PhD students. 3) Information corner on job opportunities. 4) Social events: Two formal dinners, one with Chinese music orchestra. A guide tour to Manchester’s renowned landmark.
Scholars are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers on all areas of the Chinese economy. Example relevant topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
· China’s economic reform
· China`s economic growth
· Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and China’s outward investment
· Innovation, Technology and Development
· Income distribution, education, healthcare and social welfare issues
· Environmental issues
· China’s political economy
· China’s fiscal and financial system and reform
· Real estate, capital market and corporate governance
· Agricultural and rural development
Submissions should be made via
Deadline for submissions: 30thApril 2017.
Notification of acceptance: 10thMay 2017.
Online registration will be open from 11thMay 2017.
If you would like to organize a special session on a specific topic and have speakers in mind, please submit your proposal to by30thApril 2017. Each organized session should consist of 3-4 individual papers. Proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names of session presenters and their e-mails.
We will be editing two special issues: one forThe Manchester School(TMS), and another for theJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies(JCEBS). All papers accepted for the conference are eligible for the special issues with the two journals. Papers will be reviewed for the two journals upon receipt using their normal criteria. Note that the acceptance of a paper to the conference is not a guarantee of publication by TMS or JCEBS. Selected conference papers may also have chance to be published in edited books.
The keynotespeecheswill be given by the followingdistinguished scholars:
? Professor Shi Li, Director, China Institution for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University.
? Professor Justin Lin, Honorary Dean, Peking University; Former Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank.
? Professor Rachel Ngai, Department of Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
? Professor Guoqiang Tian, Dean, School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; and Texas A&M University.
? Professor Yi Wen, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Conference fee is ?180; PhD student concessional fee is ?80. The conference fee includes one-year membership of CEA and four issues of theJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies.
All presenters and conference attendees must register for the Conference. Registration should be made online through the conference page, which will be open after the deadline of submission. Please note that registration fees are non-refundable.
Conference Chair:
Xiaobing Wang, University of Manchester, President-Elect of Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK)
Terry Peach, University of Manchester and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics